Not all families have full-time childcare needs.
If you have occasional or part-time childcare needs, for whatever reason, haltes-garderies are there to help.
More specifically, the following situations come to mind:
Families whose parents have lost their jobs
Families with parents who are studying
Immigrant or asylum-seeking families
Families that work from home
Families participating in activities
Families in need of respite
If you’re studying, job searching or working from home and looking for a few hours of time alone you can use the services of respite daycares known as Halte-garderies.
Did you know that in Québec
community organizations
offer part-time or occasional halte-garderie services backed by a recognized educational program in order to meet these families’ needs?
What is an HGC?
It is a daycare offered by a community organization which provides services to families with young children.
They can be located in different community settings such as French language schools, literacy organizations, family and women’s centers, community, recreation and education facilities, newcomer service centers, etc.
The majority of the children attend haltes-garderies on an occasional, temporary or part-time basis, depending on the rules of each organization and the needs of families. Some halte-garderies also offer full-day services.
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